Once again, the Golf Tournament had great weather and a great turnout. Can't thank everyone enough for all the time and effort in securing sponsors and volunteering on the day of the tournament. Also, special thanks to Danny Alsobrook and Ford Thigpen for assisting with arranging for additional golf carts to handle a large number of golfers (35 teams!) and coordinating with sponsors and registration. This year, we had a new silent auction of sports and entertainment memorabilia which required no commitment from the Club other than allowing items to be displayed; this netted the Club over $500. We also received two gift baskets from Three Strands Family Vineyard for additional prizes (thanks Jason Summerour). Many thanks also to Red Clay Erosion for sponsoring the AR golf ball launch and to Hardy Family Automotive for the Hole-in-One prizes on four different par 3's (sorry folks, no winners this year!)