Service Above Self | Updated December 2015

Brief History of Rotary

Paul P. Harris, a lawyer, founded Rotary in Chicago, Illinois on February 23, 1905. On that day, Paul met with three friends – Silvester Schiele, a coal dealer; Gustavus E. Loehr, a mining engineer; and Hiram E. Shorey, a merchant tailor.
The three friends met in rotation at the offices in their respective work places; hence the name ROTARY was adopted. The original intent was to promote fellowship among local business leaders but soon the purpose evolved into that of service to others.
In 1911, Rotary became international establishing clubs in Canada, England and Ireland. The first International Convention was held in Atlanta in 1917.
Today there are more than 1.3 million Rotarian’s in 33, 000 clubs worldwide.
The Rotary Club of Paulding County was chartered on March 13, 1969. As of March 13, 2009, the Rotary Club of Paulding County still has one of its charter members. That member is Earl Duncan. He has perfect attendance and has not missed a single District Conference.

Rotary FoundersThe first four Rotarians, from left, Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, Hiram Shorey, and Paul P. Harris. (Photo courtesy of Rotary Images)

Rotary Organization

rotary international logo 600Rotary International

Rotary International is governed by a president and a board of directors elected from all over the world each year. Rotary International governs all of its members which are the individual Rotary Clubs but each club remains an autonomous group.
The Rotary Club of Paulding County is a part of Rotary International, and as such, supports the many projects of the Rotary throughout the world.
There are approximately 33,000 clubs within 530 districts worldwide. Each district elects a new governor every year.
The Rotary Club of Paulding County is in District 6900. District 6900 is known worldwide for being one of the top producers of service projects and contributions to the Rotary Foundation.

Individual Rotary Clubs

Every Rotary Club is basically the same but distinctively different because of the emphasis of service placed in the local community.
Each club’s active membership is based on having one representative of each business or profession within the community. This allows the membership to recognize all useful local occupations and to make the club a “cross section” of the community. The “classification” principle is to provide a fellowship of service, within the community, based on diversity and interest of the club’s members.


To make the Paulding Rotary Club of Paulding County successful, regular attendance at weekly meetings is one of the conditions of membership. Attendance is a statutory condition of membership.
Unexcused absences of four (4) consecutive meetings automatically terminates your membership. If you miss a meeting or know you are going to be out of town during a meeting, you have two weeks prior and two weeks after the date you missed to make up your absence at any Rotary Club.

A member must remain present at a meeting for a least sixty (60) percent of time to be counted “present”. A member is required to attend thirty (30) percent of the meetings at his/her home club.

Objects of Rotary

    The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
    High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
    The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal, business and community life.
    The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a world of fellowship of business and professional men and women united in an ideal of service.

Cornerstone of Rotary

THE FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do:
  1. First…   Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Second…   Is it FAIR TO ALL CONCERNED?
  4. Fourth…   Will it be BENEFICIAL TO ALL CONCERNED?

The Rotary Foundation

Paul Harris Sustaining Member  |  Paul Harris Fellow  |  Paul Harris Society

phf pinTo enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

In 1917, the sixth International President of Rotary, Arch Klump, proposed an endowment “for the purpose of dong good in the world” at the first International Rotary Convention in Atlanta, GA. After the death of Rotary’s founder Paul Harris in 1947, Rotarians around the world made contributions to the Rotary Foundation. The Foundation later decided to honor Paul Harris by recognizing donors that contribute gifts to the Foundation.

Rotary member who contributes $100.00 per year to the Foundation.

Rotary member who has contributes $1,000.00 to the Foundation.

Rotary member who contributes $1,000.00 per year for 10 years.

Each year, the Rotary Foundation funds:

  1. Ambassadorial Scholarships - for study abroad.
  2. Group Study Exchange
  3. Matching Grants – money contributed comes directly back to the district.
  4. Polio Plus – to eradicate polio worldwide.
  5. Health, Hunger and Humanity Grants (93-H) – encourages prevention rather than cure and self-help rather than charity.
  6. Grants for university teachers.

Rotary’s $200 Million Challenge

$100 million was donated by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Rotary was challenged to match it. In January 2009, the Gates Foundation contributed another $255 million and again asked Rotary to raise another $100 million over three years. The resulting $555 million will go directly to the eradication of polio.
Since 1985, $1.2 billion has been contributed to PolioPlus. Two billion children have been immunized because of this effort. Over 5 million people did not get polio.polio plus

Georgia Rotary Student Program

Will Watt Sustaining Member  |  Will Watt Fellow

willwatt459bThe Georgia Rotary Student Program was founded by a Georgia Rotarian, Will Watt, of Thomasville in 1946. The world renowned program promotes world peace by offering scholarships to international students. The scholarship allows students to have one year of study at a Georgia college or university.
The Rotary Club of Paulding County shares a recipient of the scholarship with the South Cobb Rotary Club. Each year about 80 students are adopted by “host families” but live on campus at the school they attend. This program is unique to Georgia and no other program like it exists within Rotary International.

Rotary member who contributes $100.00 per year to the GRSP

Rotary member who has contributes $1,000.00 to the GRSP

For more information folloe this link: GRSP website

Rotary Club of Paulding County

The Rotary calendar is from July 01 to June 30 of the current year. Officers and directors are nominated and elected every year. The Board of Directors consists of officers and committee chairmen.

2024-2025 Rotary Club Officers:

  • President:  Brent Wheeling
  • President-Elect:  Jake Hammitt
  • Secretary:  Brian Headrick
  • Treasurer:  Candace Callaway
  • Past President:  Matt Mason

2024-2025 Committee Chairmen:

  • Service Project Chair: Sandy Ransom
  • Rotary Foundation: Roy Strickland
  • Club Administration: Ford Thigpen
  • Membership Chair: Mark Caffrey
  • Sergeant at Arms: Noah Phillips
  • International Service/GRSP: Justin Fuller
  • Vocational Service: Robert Owens
  • RCPC Foundation: Jake Hammitt


  • Rotary Foundation
  • Polio Eradication
  • GRSP Foundation
  • GRSP Student
  • Disaster Relief
  • Shelter Box
  • Rose Bowl Parade Float


  • Apples for Teachers
  • Law Enforcement Officer Recognition
  • Fire Department Recognition
  • RYLA Vocational Service Award
  • Entrepreneur Development Program
  • Laws of Life Essay


  • Boys and Girls Club of Paulding County
  • Boys and Girls Club of Hiram (Summer Program)
  • Boy Scouts of America
  • Dallas Christmas Parade Community
  • Emergency Fund
  • Helping Hands
  • Nursing Home Cookout and Library Reading Program
  • Chattahoochee Tech Scholarships
  • High School Scholarships
  • Shepard’s Women’s Home
  • CASA Meth Alliance
  • United Way
  • Relay for Life
  • Cops for Kids
  • American Heart Association
  • Paulding County Child Advocacy Center
  • And many more……


Rotary International –
District 6900 –
Paulding County Rotary Club –
The Rotarian – Monthly publication (included in your dues).
District News Letter – Available on the district website.
Club Bulletin – Available every week at meetings.
District Assemblies and Conferences – TBA

Georgia Rotary Student Program –
The Rotary leadership Institute –
Rotary eClubOne –
Rotary District and Club Database –

Paulding Rotary Club Membership

How Do You Become a Member of the Rotary Club of Paulding County?

  1. A member of the Rotary Club of Paulding County can sponsor your application.
  2. Your application is submitted to the current Rotary Club of Paulding County Board of Directors.
  3. Your classification is verified so it doesn’t duplicate the same classification within the Club.
  4. Your personal, business and community reputation is verified.
  5. The Board of Directors approves your application for Rotary membership.
  6. The entire membership of the Rotary Club of Paulding County also approved you as a new Rotarian.

Rotary 2016 2017 Theme LogoYOUR OBLIGATION TO ROTARY


100% is encouraged and honored in Rotary. Meetings are every Tuesday at noon. Make ups can be done at other Rotary Clubs or online at eClubs. You can also make up at Rotary functions such as Club projects, District Training Classes, District Assembly, District Conference or Rotary International Convention. PARTICIPATION:Rotarians are known for volunteering their time and talents. You are expected to participate in community projects, social functions and Club / District activities.


  • Initiation Dues - $100.00
  • Annual Dues - $800.00
  • Club Socials - Varies


  • Paul Harris - $25.00 per quarter
  • Paul Harris Society - $250.00 per quarter
  • Will Watt - $25.00 per quarter